November 2023

How new-build developments can transform an area

New-build developments are not only a source of housing supply, but also a catalyst for regeneration and growth in an area. By creating new homes, jobs, amenities, and infrastructure, new-build projects can have a positive impact on the local economy, environment, and community. Some of the benefits of new-build developments include: Boosting the housing market: New-build developments can increase...

Red tape axed to let homes be easily converted to two flats

The UK government has recently announced that thousands of homeowners will be able to extend their properties quickly and easily without the need for a full planning application, under rules made permanent since May 2019. In addition, restrictive planning rules have also been axed, which will ensure business owners can respond quickly to changing trends on the high street. The move builds upon changes to...

Buy-to-let mortgages

The UK buy-to-let mortgage market has been a popular investment opportunity for property investors. According to a report by Uswitch, the buy-to-let market has seen steady growth in recent years, with £8.5 billion worth of properties bought by UK landlords in the first quarter of 2022 alone. In this article, we will explore the UK buy-to-let mortgage market and its associated trends. The buy-to-let...

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